1 | 我不知道你想得到什么。 | I don’t understand what you are trying to get at . | |
2 | 我没能与妻子取得电话联系。 | I can’t get at my wife on the phone | |
3 | 我们有个多余的手提箱,但是不太容易拿出来. | We’ve got a spare suitcase but it’s not very get-at-able. | |
4 | 我们有个多馀的手提箱,但是不太容易拿出来. | We’ ve got a spare suitcase but it’ s not very get-at-able | |
5 | 我拿不到架子上的书。 | I can’t get at the book on the shelf. | |
6 | 我颇有一点智慧,并且还相当敏感,这总可以使我把一般人生活里所能找到的优点全部纳入到我自己的生活里,--象猴子打碎胡桃壳吃其中的肉一样。 | I possess a share of wit, and a certain relative sensibility, which enables me to draw from life in general, for the support of mine, all I meet with that is good, like the monkey who cracks the nut to get at its contents | |
7 | 我希望我今晚能有时间为《改革》杂志写稿。 | I hope I have time to get at writing for the magazine"Reform"tonight | |
8 | 我正在设法弄清楚的是,你娶这位姑娘是图她的钱,还是出于对她的爱。 | What I’m trying to get at is whether you want to marry the girl for her money or because you love her | |
9 | 小苏的脑瓜特别好使,什么事一点就通 | Xiao Su has a mind like a steel trap. She can get at things at a slight hint | |
10 | 有时真相不易搞清. | The truth is sometimes difficult to get at . | |
11 | 于是,我把附近的干柴通通收集起来,在山上堆成一大堆点起了火。 | So I brought together all the dry wood I could get at hand, and making a good handsome pile, I set it on fire upon the hill | |
12 | 这个小男孩在使劲敲破外壳取得果仁。 | The little boy is trying to crack the shell open to get at the nut | |
13 | 追究...的根底 | went to the root of;gets at the root of;gotten at the root of;get at the root of;goes to the root of;gone to the root of;go to the root of;got at the root of | |
14 | “从长久稳定来看,需要安全的庇护所,越快越好”,一位高级防卫官说道。 | "For long-term stability, you need to get at the safe havens, and the sooner the better, " a senior defense official said. | |
15 | “我可以与工人们交谈,了解问题的实质。” | "I can talk to the workers and get at the heart of what’s going on. " | |
16 | Blonna认为要每次至少30分钟的有氧锻炼,一周4到5次。 | Blonna aims to get at least 30 minutes of cardio four to five times a week. | |
17 | IDLE本身是无辜的;在测试中我只是用鼠标来了解更多我不常用的菜单。 | IDLE itself is blameless; in testing I just used the mouse to get at more menus than I would have liked. | |
18 | 本书第一部分描述的大家都比较熟悉——城市日益拥挤,贸易往来频繁,油价飞涨,海平面上升。 | The first part of his book is a familiar tale of teeming cities, roaring trade, harder-to-get-at oil and rising sea levels. | |
19 | 残值下降还会减少消费者在以旧换新或转售二手车时获得的价格。 | A fall in residual value also decreases the amount of money consumers get at trade-in or when they try to resell a used car. | |
20 | 大约20%的女性会在某个时期患上膀胱炎,而男性染此疾病的几率先低而后高。 | About 20 percent of women will get at least one bladder infection at some point, while men’s chances start out lower and increase with age. | |
21 | 但旧世界的确给了他某种慰藉,那不是在国内可以得到的。 | The Old World did provide him with a solace of a kind he could not get at home. | |
22 | 但是,如同戴普所说的,“你有多少机会出演一部关于连环杀手的音乐剧?” | However, as Depp puts it, ’’How many chances do you get at a musical about a serial killer? ’’ | |
23 | 但是,要想真正弄清楚这起争端的本质,人们需要回头看看历史——这种情况在亚洲非常普遍。 | But really to get at the heart of the dispute, as so often in Asia, one needs to peel back layers of history. | |
24 | 但是不管计算机对于画作分类是多么的擅长,它们仍然只是用来探测伪作的一种工具而已。 | But however good computers get at classifying paintings, they are likely to remain only one of the tools used to detect forgeries. | |
25 | 当您有某种途径来使客户机应用程序获取外部文件时,这是一个极好的选择。 | This is a great option when you have some way for the client application to get at the external file. | |
26 | 当有人说他多高兴时别忘了至少要封感谢信。 | Always get at least a testimonial when they say how happy they are. | |
27 | 第二个要素是以您能够获得所需信息的方式输出信息。 | The second is outputting it in such a way that you can get at the information you need. | |
28 | 对于大多数消费者来说,它是打印机或者某种蹩脚的,廉价的,你可以在百思买买到的电脑。 | For most consumers it’s printers and sort of crappy, cheap computers that you get at Best Buy. | |
29 | 而一个非歌手又有多少机会应付这种难到近乎疯狂的曲谱? | And how many chances does a non-singer get at tackling such an insanely difficult score? | |
30 | 告诉他要常常独处并且去了解自己,尤其是告诉自己不要自欺欺人。 | Tell him to be alone often and get at himself and above all tell himself no lies about himself. |